Brand new White Belt Josh Lu calls on Jake Luigi, BJJ Youtuber from "Less Impressed More Involved BJJ", and other guests for help on the path to improvement, performance, and enjoyment in the sport of Jiu Jitsu. Follow the journey!
127 episodes
#127 Stan Pogrebinsky: Introduction to Our Bodies Systems, Subsystems, and Imbalances from Jiu Jitsu
In this episode, I have Stan Pogrebinsky back on the show! We dive deep into the idea of our bodies' systems, sub-systems, and the imbalances that come from doing jiu jitsu. Hope you enjoy!

#126 How Do I Defend Turtle, Back, Rear Body Lock?
In this episode we talk about defending chest-to-back connection by looking at Turtle, Back, and Rear Body lock engagements. Hope you enjoy!

#125 How Do You Handfight While Passing?
In this episode, we talk about hand fighting as the top player while passing. Here are a few links to the matches we talked about: Jozef Chen, ...

#124 Entering the Legs from Guard?
In this episode, I ask Jake about how to enter the legs from guard. Hope you enjoy!

#123 Darin Conner DeAngelis: Winning World Titles, Mindset, Mindfulness, and Coaching
In this episode, I speak with Darin Conner DeAngelis, he's got an incredible story about rising to the top of the jiu jitsu world, pivoting into coaching and counseling, and shares his insights along the way. Hope you enjoy!You can follo...

#122 Check In: Non Committal K Guard, Back Control, Mindset, Database, Sherpa and More
In this episode we talk about a bunch of random topics, we start with Database and Sherpa updates, go into K guard, back control, recent mindset shifts, and an esoteric discussion on rotation and control.Here's the clip of the

#121 Rob Cole: How to Use ECO / CLA, Misconceptions, Games, and Framework
In this episode, I chat with Rob Cole! We deep dive into ecological dynamics, the four principles of the contraint led approach, give examples of games, and go over a lot of common misconceptions when it comes to the constraint led approach for...

#120 Oscar Lopez: Coaching Freshman Wrestling and How Jiu Jitsu Players Can Benefit From Wrestling
In this episode, I chat wtih Osar Lopez, the Head Freshman Wrestling Coach at San Marcos High and Coach at Mission Grappling Club. We talk about the cross over between wrestling and jiu jitsu and much more. Hope you enjoy! You can <...

#119 How to Play Closed Guard in No Gi?
In this episode we talk about closed guard in no gi. Transitions to K guard, balancing upper body attacks, lower body attacks, transitioning to dela riva, and hand fighting from closed guard. Hope you enjoy!

#118 Nick Angeloni: Coaching, Gym Culture, and Explorations with Eco
In this episode we talk to Nick Angeloni, black belt, and owner of Prism Jiu Jitsu in Escondido, San Diego. He's also the co-host of the

#117 Andris Brunovskis - Competing, Coaching at Legion, and Journey with Ecological Dynamics
In this episode, we talk with Andris Brunovskis from Legion! We talk about his journey as a competitor and coach, dive into ecological dynamics, and everything in between. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 117

#116 K Guard for Beginners?
In this episode, we talk about my recent injury, K Guard, and guard/passing in general. Here's the link to the PJ Barch video we mentioned!

#115 Check In: New Years Goals for Jiu Jitsu, Outlier, Sherpa, and Life
In this episode, we talk about goals for our jiu jitsu development, study, our apps, and life in general. Hope you enjoy!

#114 Check In: Jake Training in Japan, Josh's 5th Competition, and App Updates
In this episode we catch up on Jake's recent trip to Japan and his training session there, my recent competition experience, lessons learned, and quick updates on progress with Jake's Outlier Database and Sherpa, my AI-powered journaling app fo...

#113 Josh's Coaching Call with Joe Hannan
In this episode, I have an awesome coaching call with Joe Hannan about an upcoming competition. Originally it was an in-house tournament, but it got rescheduled and I decided to compete in JJWL instead. Checkout

#112 Patrick Robinson: Assessing Your A Game
In this episode, I discuss game planning for an upcoming competition with Patrick Robinson! This is a great framework on how to think about your "A game". We also discuss putting together a practice game plan, and overall competition prep. ...

#111 Priorities for the Guard - Leg Attacks, Wrestling Up, or Sweeping?
In this episode we talk about the guard, and how to prioritize sweeping, leg attacks, and wrestling up. Here's the match we mentioned with Keith Krikorian vs Diogo Reis

#110 How to Enter and Finish Guillotines?
In this episode we talk about the risk of going for a guillotine and ending up on bottom position, what to prioritize when attacking a guillotine, how to defend, and much more. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 110

#109 How to Effectively Pin Someone?
In this episode we talk about pinning, and the dynamic between control and submission threat. The various pins from side control, north south, mount, and routes to submission vs control and maintenance.

#108 How to Play Dela Riva in No Gi?
In this episode we dive into dela riva, and how to play dela riva in No Gi Jiu Jitsu. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 108

#107 What's the Front Headlock Dilemma?
In this episode, we dive into the front headlock position and the dilemma between the go behind and submission threats. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 107

#106 Check In: Josh's Visit to Standard Jiu Jitsu
In this episode we recap Josh's recent trip to Standard Jiu Jitsu with Greg Souders. Leg entanglement games, scheduling, culture, and more. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 106

#105 Eco Highlight Reel: Trey Hucks, Kabir Bath, and Greg Souders
In this episode, we mashed up some of the highlights from our conversations with Trey Hucks, Kabir Bath, and Greg Souders on all things ecological dynamics, constraining to afford towards the invariants in jiu jitsu, game design, and much more....
Episode 105

#104 Check In: Different Attacks from Guard
In this episode, Jake and I talk about my last competition and areas to work on when it comes to attacking from guard, off balancing, entering the legs, wrestling up, taking the back...etc. Hope you enjoy! Here's the
Episode 104

#103 Patrick Robinson: Multiple Time Masters Gold Medalist on Practice Design, Competition Prep, Recovery, and Sports Psychology
In this episode, I talk with Patrick Robinson who's won mutliple world titles at blue, purple, brown, and black belt in both Gi and No Gi in his age brackets. He's consistently one of the best grapplers for his age. We talk about his competitio...
Episode 103